Board of Trustees Constitutes Committee on Church-Relatedness

Over the course of Davidson College's history, the Board of Trustees has periodically reviewed the college's religious heritage, the college's relationship to the Presbyterian Church, and the meaning that the college draws from that relationship. Most recently, questions about church-relatedness were important parts of the discussion during the 2010-11 presidential search. The Board of Trustees decided at that time to review this aspect of college life and committed to beginning that review during the first year after the installation of the new president. Consistent with that commitment, the Board has appointed the following Trustees as members of a Trustee Committee on Church-Relatedness:

  • Richard Boyce
  • Ernie Reigel
  • Ed Kizer
  • William Rikard
  • Chair Elizabeth Brooks Mailander 
  • Carole Weinstein
  • Mackey McDonald (Ex Officio) 
  • Ben Williams
  • Sara Tatum Pottenger 
  • Janet Wilson

The committee's charge is to review the history of the college's relationship with the Presbyterian Church and the Reformed Tradition, and establish a foundation from which the Board of Trustees can discuss the meaning and significance of the college's church-relatedness. If appropriate, the committee may make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, and is further authorized to appoint an Advisory Committee of faculty, students, alumni, clergy, and other groups to assist it in its work.