Davidson Meets $150,000 Challenge in One Day
When the Davidson family steps up to the plate, they hit it out of the park. In this week's one-day challenge, a group of anonymous donors pledged $150,000 in Davidson Trust scholarships for the class of 2017 if 1,000 alumni, parents and friends made a gift to The Annual Fund. The challenge was a success! Thanks to our family's unending loyalty, six members of the class of 2017 will each be awarded a $25,000 scholarship. In addition to the scholarship dollars secured, Davidson is only 783 donors away from reaching 60 percent alumni participation in The Annual Fund by June 30 for the 11th year in a row. "Wow! What a testament to the commitment of our alumni, parents and friends," said Maria Tardugno Aldrich '03, director of the Annual Fund. "The Davidson family knows when they are needed, and it's impossible to fully show our appreciation for all you do. We are especially grateful to our anonymous challengers for inspiring the Davidson community and highlighting the impact of philanthropy in supporting The Davidson Trust with this $150,000 gift.
The Davidson Trust, the college's top priority, supports the college's longstanding commitment to need-blind admission and its historic decision to meet 100 percent of demonstrated need of accepted students through a combination of grants and campus employment, with no loans. The Davidson Trust makes it possible for talented students from all backgrounds to imagine coming to Davidson, and for graduates to make life and career choices based on their interests and passions.
Students' lives have been forever changed by The Davidson Trust:
"The most transformative change in my life was my acceptance to and arrival at Davidson. I am passionate about my experience and enthusiastic about The Davidson Trust. I plan to make larger gifts in the future so that students just like me can be afforded the wonderful opportunity of attending Davidson College."
-Tiffany Hollis '04
"I appreciate every bit of support I received at Davidson. The opportunity to go to college debt-free - it's hard to believe. You can be involved in anything here-you can be anything you want to be."
-Mohamed Egal '13
"My family was very supportive throughout the application process, and I knew they'd do everything in their power to make it work, but they had to really look at the financial piece of it. The Trust was a huge draw for my family, and I can't imagine being a student anywhere else."
- Catherine Hare '14
There is still time to make a difference for Davidson in the current fiscal year. Make your gift by June 30! www.davidson.edu/makeagift
- June 28, 2013