Anatomy of a Pandemic Theatre Production
December 8, 2020

James Shakow '22, Director of the Practice Fields Scene in "Ubi Orta Pestilentia: A Davidson Zombie Apocalypse"
Theatre Prof Steve Kaliski ’07 and student directors embraced the challenge of creating in the time of COVID with a socially-distanced production titled “Ubi Orta Pestilentia: A Davidson Zombie Apocalypse.”
In this virtual roundtable discussion, student directors reflect on their contributions to a production conceived of and created in extraordinary circumstances.
“The plague is here. I repeat, the plague is here. We’re heading to the rendezvous point. In front of Chambers. We’re on our way, but it’s dark, and we’re so far away, and we have to move slowly, or they’ll see us. Wait for us, please. Please wait. Everything is different now, all of a sudden, it’s so different. It wasn’t supposed to happen so fast, not to us.”
-Ubi Orta Pestilentia: A Davidson Zombie Apocalypse