
  • Ph.D., M.A. Duke University
  • B.S. Old Dominion University

Areas of Expertise

  • Meetings


I've been a member of the Psychology Department since 1974, and in addition to teaching and conducting research, I do applied work in the area of industrial-organizational psychology.

Currently, my professional interest focuses on the high performance organization model, and the application of the strategies of team-based "work redesign" and behavior-based safety in a variety of work settings.


  • PSY 101 General Psychology
  • PSY 254 Industrial-Organizational Psychology
  • PSY 260 Organization Development
  • PSY 358 Advanced Seminar: The Psychology of Teamwork




The Impact of a Good/Bad Meeting

Good meetings (and bad meetings) have implications for overall job satisfaction, and can impact employee attitudes about the organization. Research shows that the most conscientious, hardworking employees – the ones that likely are the backbone of the company and the ones employers most want to retain – are the ones who are most negatively affected by bad meetings.