Tim Gfroerer Professor of Physics
- Ph.D. Dartmouth College
- M.S. Georgia Institute of Technology
- B.S. University of the South
Like most experimentalists, I love playing, learning, and teaching in the lab. I am a semiconductor spectroscopist by training, with an eye toward making devices like solar cells and LEDs more efficient. My students and I share a strong interest in sustainable energy technology, and we have published over 25 papers in this field. Our collaboration with scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO and UNC-Charlotte has been supported by grants from the Research Corporation, the Petroleum Research Fund, and the Charlotte Research Institute.
Teaching upper-level labs over the years, I have also had the opportunity to develop a variety of new experiments with interested students, leading to several (5 as of 2022) pedagogical publications. Student creativity and discovery have been the primary drivers of this progress. In all projects, I am committed to meaningful research with students: more than two thirds of the 25+ students that have worked in my lab have coauthored publications with me. I look forward to building on this record of achievement in the years ahead.