Students in lab working on project

Physics Major and Minor

The Physics Department at Davidson College has an impressive history and an exciting future.

If you would like to tour our facilities, including our labs and classes, please contact the Physics Department Chair, Professor Mario Belloni at

Physics Major

If you are interested in majoring in physics or allied subjects, Davidson has much to offer you. Because physics is a fundamental natural science, linking science and philosophy, a major in physics provides a natural cornerstone for a well-rounded liberal arts education. The Physics Department offers a full range of courses and excellent opportunities to participate in high-level research projects with faculty.

Astrophysics Minor or Applied Physics Minor

The Physics Department offers minors in astrophysics and applied physics, including opportunities to participate in astrophysics and applied physics research projects with faculty.

An applied physics minor includes the study of basic physical principles and how they are applied in practice, with an introduction to experimental and computational approaches to real-world problem-solving. An astrophysics minor includes analyzing the properties and interactions of cosmological objects.

Engineering Dual-Dual Degree

In a society faced with increasingly complex technological and humanistic problems, a liberal arts education contributes to the development of engineers. Partnering with Columbia University in New York and Washington University in St. Louis, Davidson offers cooperative dual degree engineering programs.


In addition to completing the requirements for a major in physics, a candidate for honors in physics must submit a written thesis covering an independent research project. Such a project may be based upon work completed in Physics 495, 496, or in an undergraduate research program on or away from campus that is approved by the department.

Applications for honors in physics should be made in writing to the chair of the department no later than the end of the junior year.

Courses You Might Take

PHY 116

The course applies scientific principles to musical sound production, propagation, storage, detection and perception. Students analyze and appreciate diverse world music styles, create and play instruments and examine current practices in live performance.

PHY 214

The course offers an introduction to engineering design through a focus on energy and the environment. Students work in teams to create computer-controlled models of energy-efficient buildings.

PHY 106

This course offers a survey of the current scientific view of the Universe. Topics covered include the historical development of major astronomical theories, the interaction of light and matter, the life cycle of stars, and the structure and evolution of the Universe

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