Whether collaborating with faculty or working in small groups, chemistry students have access to an array of research opportunities to experience the process of discovery, master new techniques, and gain an in-depth understanding of specific chemical problems.
Professors not only provide hands-on experience with state-of-the-art equipment but also become trusted advisers offering guidance about academic programs and career paths.
You may take part in research during the academic year and/or over the summer. You may pursue summer research by speaking with a professor by the mid-term of the spring semester.
Most students who participate in summer research receive stipends or scholarships to do so.
Students often co-author with their professors' scientific papers published in journals and presented at regional, national, or international meetings such as those of the American Chemical Society.
Independent Research
Research done during the academic year is taken as an independent study with a particular professor. You should express your interest and discuss your plans with a professor when creating your class schedule for the next semester.