Faculty and Staff
Faculty and staff engage with the Controller's Office for accounts payable (non-U.S. and U.S. payments), budget process, payroll, Oracle and purchasing cards (P-cards).
Learn more about these processes and explore our resources:
Oracle is Davidson College's platform for financial and HR processes and systems including:
- Time, Leave and Payroll
- Expense Reports
- P-Card Charges
- Invoices
- Purchase Orders
- Compensation and Stipends
- Job Postings & Hiring
- Onboarding
- Student Employment
- Benefits
- Performance Management
- Finance Reporting
Received a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?
When you receive a Certificate of Insurance (COI) from a vendor, please email a PDF to Kristen Harwood krharwood@davidson.edu and keep the hard copy and/or a PDF for your own records.
Contact Us
Contact a specific member of the Controller's Office team using the College Directory and filtering by "Controller's Office" under "Department."