Employee Bias Incident Response

Bias Incident Definition

A bias incident is an intentional or unintentional action or behavior against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by the offender's bias against race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or any other status protected by applicable federal, state, or local law BUT does not rise to the level of a crime or a violation of the employee anti- discrimination and anti-harassment policies. Bias incidents are actions or behaviors that have the purpose or effect of negatively impacting another person or person(s).

Bias incidents reports which allege that biased actions have been committed by an employee will be referred to the Employee Bias Incident Response Team. In addition, if it is determined that a bias incident committed by an employee may violate the college's anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies it will be referred to Human Resources. 

Bias Incident Response Model and Purpose

Our response to bias incidents is rooted in restorative justice practices. Our response invites other to proactively address bias by engaging in processes that seek to learn more about the perspective of others and repair harm that may have occurred. Our team assesses the ability of individuals to engage in these processes voluntarily and we work with parties in order to avert further harm.

The purpose of the Employee Bias Incident Response Process is to provide support, resources, opportunities to learn, and connection in response to the impact of bias. Bias incident response is a non-punitive process. Therefore, if it is determined that actions reported may, upon further investigation, warrant a punitive response, the report will be referred to Human Resources. The bias response process is not intended to displace any administrative process or criminal process that addresses discrimination, harassment, destruction of property or other criminal acts.

In addition, bias incident response is not intended to prohibit or discourage the exchange of ideas that occur in the classroom or workplace. As stated in the College Constitution, Davidson College is committed to the principles of academic freedom. In discussions of controversial, sensitive, or political topics, ideas may be exchanged in a way that causes others to feel bias. If this occurs, the Employee Bias Incident Response Team offers opportunities for support, learning, and increased awareness. These opportunities are voluntary and are not intended to impinge on the rights of others.

Reporting a Bias Incident

Bias Incidents and Hate Crimes Report Form

Once received, reports will be responded to within 24-72 hours.

Bias Incident Education and Response

Once a report has been received, a member of the Employee Bias Incident Response Team will meet with the impacted individual to gather additional information in order to determine needed resources and support. In addition, the team member will discuss next steps with the impacted individual including possible resolution options which may include:

  • Educational Discussion,
  • Facilitated Conversation between individuals,
  • Training and Education,
  • Referral to appropriate campus and community resources,
  • Referral to appropriate office if it is determined that the incident is not a bias incident.


Retaliation against any individual who, in good faith, seeks resources and assistance through a bias incident resolution process is expressly prohibited. Retaliation is defined as any attempt to coerce, intimidate, interfere, or engage in acts of reprisal against anyone who in good faith seeks resources and assistance or participates in a bias incident resolution process. Retaliation is itself a separate, serious violation of the College’s Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy and concerns about retaliation that occur as a result of a bias incident resolution process will be referred to Human Resources for investigation. If Davidson College determines that retaliation has occurred, the college will take appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.