Self-Scheduled Exam Procedures

The Honor Code at Davidson College allows the college to administer final exams in a way that gives students more flexibility in their exam schedule.

Not all courses will have self-scheduled exams, and many students complete final papers or projects instead of scheduled exams. Students with self-scheduled exams should review the procedures below.

Exam Procedures for Students

Before Exams

  • Your professor will provide you with an exam envelope in class. 
  • Fill out the information on the envelopes and return to your professor by the professors' deadlines.

Exam week

  • Pick up your exam at the Exam Center in Chambers' lobby.  Morning exams may be picked up between 8:40 and 9:15 (only) and afternoon exams between 1:40 and 2:15 (only).  Exams are arranged by the professor's last name.
  • Once you are done with your exam, seal your completed exam inside the envelope and sign the Honor Code pledge.
  • Return it to the Exam Center and collect your receipt.

Honor Council Reminder

Do not bring backpacks, books or notes into Chambers (except books for an open-book exam).  Also, do not bring any electronic devices (except for calculators) into Chambers during exams. Students taking a Moodle Respondus exam can bring laptops. Leave your cell phone in your room as cell phones may not be brought into Chambers.

A note about backpacks:  For your safety and the protection of your personal property, please do not leave your backpack outside of Chambers. Leave your backpack in your room or make use of the storage lockers in the library.

Students with Academic Accommodations

Please contact the Academic Access and Disability Resources office if you need assistance setting-up exam accommodations. Someone will be present during the beginning of each exam session to answer your questions. 

Procedures for Faculty

Step 1

  • Pick up exam envelopes from the Registrar's Office.
  • Have students fill out all the fields on the yellow envelope, and the Name, Course, Prof section on the exam ticket attached to the yellow envelope. 
  • Add exams and any note/formula sheet allowed. 

Step 2

  • Drop off exams in the Registrar's office before noon on the first or only Reading and Reflection Day
  • Bring 3 extra exams for each course (required, even for Moodle-based exams). We will provide the extra exam envelopes.
  • Write your emergency contact phone number on the front of your extra exam envelopes.
  • Sort all of your students together alphabetically–not by course.
  • Tuck in (but do not seal) the envelope flaps.

Step 3

  • Pick up exams in the Registrar’s Office
  • Note for Spring Exams ONLY: Grades for seniors are due by 10 a.m. on the Wednesday prior to Commencement


When final grades have been recorded by the instructor and processed by the Registrar, they will be available to the student on Banner Self-Service. Fall semester grades are typically available by the end of the first week in January and spring semester grades are typically available by the end of the week following Commencement.