Answers to supervisors' frequently asked questions regarding student employment.

What is the difference between a work study student and a non-work study student?

The easiest way to think about work study versus non-work study is by looking at the funding source.

  • A work study student has been awarded a predetermined amount of money by the Financial Aid Office to be earned over the course of the school year. The student brings those dollars to whatever job they secure on campus to cover the labor expense. Therefore, there is no financial impact to the hiring department.
  • When a non-work study student is hired by a department, the department must fund the labor expense out of their own budget or grant money, or some other funding source.
  • There is no difference in the quality of work expected or the type of work that they are allowed to do.

When can a student begin working?

A student who has had a previous campus job and has completed the required HR paperwork can begin working according to their approved start date. A student who has never worked before on campus must stop by the Human Resources Office to complete the Federal I-9 paperwork.

How do I know if a student has worked before on campus?

A student who has worked on campus before will have a Federal I-9 on file with the college. When you submit the Kuali form, you will receive confirmation of I-9 status once the form is approved.

Do student employees need to complete a background check?

Students who will be working with children as part of their job description are required to complete a background check.

What form do I use to hire a student employee?

Please use the Kuali Student Hire Form to hire your student employees.  The form should be submitted a minimum of 3-5 days before the intended start date.  You can use the Kuali form to submit hire information for work-study, non-work-study, and summer student jobs. 

Why do I need to submit a new hire form for summer student employment?

Hire forms are used to set up student time sheets. During the school year a student is considered a student employee and therefore exempt from FICA taxes. During the summer a student is viewed as a regular employee and is subject to FICA taxes.

Who is responsible for filling out and approving the hire form?

The hiring manager or office administrator should fill out the form. Students will be copied on the form, but do not have permission to fill out their own hire form. The chair or employee responsible for the budget should review/sign the hire form.

Who determines the pay rate for student jobs?

During the academic year, pay levels are determined by the HR Office based on the job description provided to HR or posted on Handshake. Jobs are compared across departments and every effort is made to maintain pay equity across positions. Skills needed to perform the job and barriers to entry are evaluated. Summer pay rates are determined by the hiring department and usually are calculated based on the position budget.

I’m interested in hiring a student, do I need to post the job on Handshake?

It is always preferred that available jobs be posted on Handshake, so all students have equal access to available campus jobs. In some cases, however, it does not make sense to post open jobs.

Examples: tutoring in the CTL, some faculty research positions, jobs that require a unique skill or high-level Math/CS skills. For these positions, we encourage the hiring manager to promote/advertise the job to all students who might meet the requirements. This can be done via email and helps to promote equity across students.

Can International students work on campus?

Yes, international students studying at Davidson can work on campus. They must complete all the same required HR paperwork as other students, but they must also make a trip to the Social Security Office to get a Social Security Card. International Student Engagement facilitates trips several times during a semester. Note: International students with an F-1 Visa are permitted to work 20 hours/week while classes are in session and 40 hours/week when classes are not in session.

How many hours per week can a student work?

Most students work between 5-10 hours/week. For work study recipients, the hours/week is dictated by the amount of their award and their pay rate as determined by the Academic Year Pay Scale.  As a general matter, work-study recipients can work between 6 and 8.5 hours per week. The college discourages students working more than 20 hours/week. 

International students with an F-1 Visa are permitted to work 20 hours/week while classes are in session and 40 hours/week when classes are not in session.

How do I notify Human Resources of changes to student jobs?

If a student stops working for you, it is best practice to notify HR in a timely fashion so the job can be terminated and the time sheet removed.  You can do this via email.

Can a student have more than one job on campus?

Yes. This is true for work study recipients and non-work study students.

Are there any guidelines for length of time to work during the summer?

Yes, students can work as summer employees from the day after the last scheduled exam to the day before school begins and should not be scheduled for more than 12 weeks of employment over that period of time.