
The Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Office is committed to the protection and preservation of the environment through stewardship activities, program implementation and dissemination of knowledge.

Hazardous Wastes

Hazardous waste characterization and disposal is managed by EHS. Prior to collection and characterization, all containers should be affixed with labels by the generator that accurately indicate the chemical constituents and their makeup (relative percent) of the waste.

Universal Wastes

Universal wastes are a subset of hazardous wastes that are required to be recycled. The two major categories are lighting wastes and batteries.

Lighting Wastes

The following types of lamps are considered to be universal waste: fluorescent, high intensity discharge, neon, mercury vapor, high pressure sodium and other specialty lamps. Fluorescent lamps should be kept intact to prevent the release of small amounts of mercury. Contact the Physical Plant at 704-894-2595 for lamp replacement. The Physical Plant staff works in conjunction with the EHS Office to ensure these spent lamps are recycled.


These types of batteries can be recycled: lead acid, nickel cadmium (NiCd), lithium, and mercury containing. Please deposit these expired batteries in the various recycling bins located throughout the campus. Non-rechargeable, standard alkaline batteries (such as AA, AAA, C, D) are non-hazardous and may be disposed in the regular trash. Refer to the Battery Recycling Program for more information.

Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan

The goal of the SPCC plan is to help prevent oil spills and minimize their impact to the environment in the event of a discharge. Employees responsible for managing oil and other petroleum byproducts (such as gasoline and diesel fuel) must be trained on the SPCC plan and the response procedures to be utilized in the event of a release or spill. Refer to the latest version of the SPCC plan.

Online training is available for members of the Physical Plant staff who handle oil and oil-bearing equipment, including gasoline and diesel fuel.


At no time should chemical wastes be poured down sinks, storm drains or disposed in the general trash. Protecting stormwater helps preserve the water quality of our wetlands, streams, rivers, and lakes.