Performance Management

Davidson College expects all employees to receive an annual performance appraisal.

The performance review is an opportunity for managers to discuss with their employees the contributions and achievements of the previous year. This document outlines the steps of the review process, provides instructions for completing the different forms, and discusses the best practices for capturing performance online using the Oracle System. All reviews are due by July 15.

Please note: Due to the introduction of Oracle in January 2024, the 2023-2024 Staff Annual Review process has an adjusted completion date of August 12, 2024.

Davidson Oracle 

Oracle Performance Management Documentation

The Oracle Cloud Support site houses our Oracle navigation materials.  Guides and videos from both the employee and manager perspective can be accessed there under Performance.

Understanding Performance Management 

The Steps

Final Reviews are usually done in the late spring. Midway through the year the employee and manager should meet to discuss the employer's progress towards completing those goals outlined on the goal-setting form.

  1. Goal Setting: Goal setting is the first step in the Performance Review Process. The employee and the manager begin drafting goals for the upcoming year. Each employee should have a minimum of two goals each academic year.  Consider goals that will impact your department and the college.
  2. Goal Setting – Manager Review: Managers will review and approve the Goals entered by staff employees in the system. Manager will have the ability to adjust and add additional goals for employees.
  3. Editing and Updating Goals: Editing goals is an opportunity for you to capture the achievements in your position. Please take the time to record great accomplishments and milestones during the current academic year. Editing goals will help you gain perspective on yourself and in doing so you will have awesome feedback to help steer you toward your goals.
  4. Mid-Year Discussion: Midway through the year the employee and manager should meet to discuss the employer's progress towards completing those goals outlined during the goal-setting step.
  5. Editing and Updating Goals: Editing goals is an opportunity for you to capture the achievements in your position. Please take the time to record great accomplishments and milestones during the current academic year. Editing goals will help you gain perspective on yourself and in doing so you will have awesome feedback to help steer you toward your goals.
  6. Self-Assessment: Optional for employees, the manager must give every employee the option to complete a self-assessment and submit online to the manager. Managers should provide every employee with copies or a links to the following: a) self-assessment form, b) job description, c) last year's goals.
  7. Manager Completes Review/Employee Review Discussion: The manager completes the review form, using examples and supporting information where appropriate. Include last year's goals (and documentation on completion) in the appropriate sections. The employee and manager(s) meet to discuss the employee's performance over the past year and to review documents and goals for the year to come.
  8. Employee Signature: The manager finalizes the review process following his/her conversation with the employee by securing signatures as well as any additional employee comments. Employees must respond to the review by confirming online that their performance was discussed with their manager.
  9. Manager Signature: The manager signs off on the performance review of all direct reports.
  10. Performance Review Complete: Once all signatures have been received the performance review process for the academic year is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Self-Assessment part of the official review?

The official review is the one written by the manager with all of the requisite signatures. The manager may incorporate feedback from the employee in the body of the review and the employee is always permitted to provide written comments on the review. But the core of the review should be drafted by the manager.

What period should the review cover?

The review should cover the entire previous year. Managers should avoid focusing only on the most recent incidents and conversely, managers should recognize changes in performance and not repeat by rote the same review each year.

When are the reviews due? Are goals due at the same time?

Most departments do reviews based on the fiscal year/academic year. Therefore, reviews should be completed at the end of June, covering the previous 12 months. Goals may be set at the same time or a different time (some areas of campus may prefer to set goals in August, more aligned with the academic year or after data from the fiscal year is reviewed).

Is the Mid-Year Review required?

The Mid-Year Review is designed as a check-in, particularly around annual performance goals. Like the annual review, it is not a substitute for on-going communication, coaching, and honest feedback.

I have an employee with performance issues. How do I approach this on the performance review?

If the employee is currently on a performance improvement plan or has been coached on performance issues, reference that in the document. But in severe cases, feel free to contact Human Resources for help drafting the review. HR also has books with sample phrases for goal setting and performance assessment.

Is there an alternative paper version of the review?

All reviews will be completed online for all employees.

Will Duo be required to access the online system?

Yes, Duo is required and all employees by now should have access to the Duo system.

Are there other language versions of the form in addition to English?

No, currently the online system is in English only.

Can we access the review via an app?

Currently you can only access the review in Oracle via a browser.