We understand that choosing to report an incident of concern can be difficult, so we have gathered these resources and forms to make it as easy as possible. Understand how to report incidents at Davidson including hate, bias, sexual assault, hazing, students you are concerned about and other types of incidents.

Please note that these forms are for student-related concerns. Employees should refer to the Employee Bias Incident Response available through Human Resources. 

Types of Reporting & Forms

Any member (faculty, staff, or student) or recognized group or organization of the college community may report or file a report to an administrator, campus office, Davidson College campus police or local law authorities alleging a violation of college policy or when behavior warrants attention.

There is no time limit on filing reports and reports may also be made anonymously. It should be noted that when an anonymous report is made or a significant amount of time has passed, the college may be limited in its ability to respond or unable to take any action.


What happens after I submit a report?

When there is the potential of a violation of the Code of Responsibility, Honor Code, or other college policy, a staff member from the appropriate office (e.g., the Dean of Students office, Residence Life Office) will facilitate a preliminary investigation, and determine the severity of the situation, and the extent of threat to health or welfare. When the incident does not rise to the level of a policy violation, outreach is made to all known parties to provide resources, support, and education.

In certain circumstances, once a report has been filed, the college may proceed with an initial inquiry and pre-investigation, even if a reporting party later chooses to retract, rescind, or recant any or all the report or chooses not to cooperate. Action will only be taken without the consent of a reporting party if, in the college’s judgment, such action is necessary to protect the safety, security, or integrity of the college or any of its members.