Reporting Sexual Misconduct

Davidson College is committed to taking appropriate action to address incidents of sexual misconduct and to ensure a safe and non-hostile environment for all students. The college strongly encourages all students to report incidents, and will not tolerate any form of retaliation for reporting. The college is severely limited in its ability to investigate and address sexual misconduct on campus without student cooperation and information. By reporting incidents, students help the college in its efforts to ensure the safety of the campus and to identify patterns of misconduct.

While students are encouraged to report incidents of sexual misconduct directly to the Title IX Coordinator (Carley Dix, and/or to campus police, students may report a sexual misconduct incident to any member of the faculty or staff. Reports made directly to the College Chaplain or to the counselors and doctors at the Student Health and Counseling Center are protected by confidentiality laws and will not be shared beyond that meeting unless threat to health or safety is imminent. All other reports, including those to campus police, faculty, staff, coaches, and RLO student staff members, may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator for assessment and will be reported to campus police for Clery Act statistical reporting purposes.

To the extent possible, the college will respect a student's request to remain anonymous and to keep the detail of the report confidential. A student's request that there be no further action will be weighed against the college's obligation to act on information it has received in order to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment.

Students who have experienced sexual misconduct may elect to take the following actions:

  • File a criminal report with campus police (or municipal police if it occurred off campus).
  • File a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator,
    • to request that the incident be adjudicated by the Hearing Officer; or
    • to pursue Adaptable Resolution of the complaint with the assistance of a mediator.

Students who elect not to pursue any of the above options may still do any of the following:

  • Seek connection to resources, such as:
    • Counseling,
    • Health Education, or
    • Community Organizations.
  • Request Supportive Measures, such as:
    • Academic support,
    • No Communication Order,
    • Housing Reassignment, or
    • Educational Conversation by the Title IX Coordinator with the accused student.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from discrimination based on sex-including sexual harassment and sexual violence-in education programs or activities which receive federal financial assistance. For more information about your rights under Title IX, call the College's Title IX Coordinator, Carley Dix at 704-894-2328 or email

You may also contact:

Department of Education

Office of Civil Rights

400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20202-1100