Alumni gathered at Prospect Park picnic


Stay connected to Davidson and to alumni, families, and friends online and in your area.

The Alumni and Family Engagement staff brings together the college and our more than 25,000 alumni and families through a variety of formal and informal programs.

Davidson alumni, parents and families are encouraged to take advantage of and support the broader Davidson career network. When you seek career support or give your time, talent and expertise to help current students and alumni, you help to keep the Davidson network strong.

Identity networks represent and advocate for underrepresented populations within the Davidson alumni body, and include the Davidson Asian South Asian Pacific Islander Alumni Network (DASAPIAN), the Davidson Black Alumni Network (DBAN), the Davidson LGBTQ+ Alumni Network (DLAN), the Davidson Jewish Network (DJN) and the Latinx Alumni Network at Davidson (LAND). 

Students have much to consider during their last year at Davidson, and as they transition to becoming alumni. Be sure to stay connected with key offices that offer various resources and events specifically for seniors, including a 100 day countdown to graduation and post-graduation services.

Host an event in your region! Volunteers across the country can complete a form to host a Wildcat event in their area. Regional volunteers are in the best position to know what types of events will appeal to the local Davidson community. Please share your idea with us!

Stay Connected

Carin Siegfried

Before I decided to attend Davidson, people tried to tell me that the alumni network at a school of its size would be too small. Through my experience, I find exactly the opposite.

Carin Siegfried '95