Commission on Race and Slavery
In keeping with Davidson's commitment to the quest for truth, the college appointed a Commission on Race and Slavery to examine the college’s history, which is intertwined with the institution and legacies of slavery and the lives of enslaved persons.
Chaired by the Honorable Anthony R. Foxx ’93, the commission included a distinguished group of students, alumni, faculty, staff, trustees and members of the Town of Davidson community. Their recommendations will guide the college toward the goal of true equity and inclusion on our campus.
The commission’s report is available on these pages, along with the initial action steps the college has committed to and the college’s formal apology for its support of slavery and the unjust laws and practices that continued after slavery was outlawed.
The Commission on Race and Slavery convened to assist the college community in building a comprehensive understanding of the college's history.
The Commission guided the development and launch of research projects and additional teaching and learning initiatives through which the Davidson community can investigated and acknowledged the college's history with slavery and race as well as its historical relationships with African American communities.
These initiatives included (among others): teaching, research, scholarship, educational exhibitions, public events and other means of community engagement, college-created media content and permanent recognition of these aspects of our history.
Davidson's Commission on Race and Slavery elevates the college's ongoing commitment to justice, equality and community, and supports Davidson's mission of cultivating humane instincts, recognizing the dignity and value of each person.
The Commission is made up of students, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees and community members.
With this initiative, including new courses, collaborations and initiatives with the community to help build broader public discussion, active citizenship and global problem-solving, Davidson joins the multi-institutional collaboration Universities Studying Slavery (USS). The USS addresses issues of race and inequality in higher education and in university communities, as well as the legacies of slavery.
As a liberal arts college, Davidson has a responsibility to demonstrate the crucial value of scholarly inquiry to public life and to fulfilling this country's promise. To seek a full understanding of the college's history with respect to slavery and race is to honor the college's commitment to the quest for truth, as we strive to prepare students for thoughtful, creative lives of leadership in service to humanity.
Davidson College's efforts are strengthened by our primary purpose, the closeness of the Davidson community and the support and commitment to the college found there.
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