Reunion Giving
Reunions at Davidson are occasions for celebration and remembrance.
Reunions affirm that the Davidson experience endures for a lifetime, and while buildings may change, the values of Davidson remain constant.
Bringing classmates back together helps connect alumni to their philanthropic passions and inspires many to give a gift that enhances the learning through new initiatives, recruits faculty at the top of their fields, and launches innovative programs that encourage global perspectives and lifelong learning.
Ways to Make A Gift
- Online: Visit the online gift form to make a one-time gift, pledge payment or to set up a recurring draft.
- By phone: Call The Fund for Davidson at 704-894-2680 to give over the phone.
- By mail: Checks can be mailed to the attention of Office of Development, PO Box 5000, Davidson, NC 28035.
- Multi-year commitments: Visit the online pledge form to make a multi-year commitment.
- Planned Giving: Visit the planned giving page to learn more about a wide range of topics including, wills and living trusts, beneficiary designations, gift annuities, gifts of real estate and much more.
- Gifts of stock: Contact Dawn Smith, planned gift administrator, at dasmith@davidson.edu or 704-894-2103 for instructions on making a gift of stock or securities.
Reunion Class Gift
The Reunion Class Gift celebrates the entirety of each class' philanthropy to the college during their respective milestone year. Although the fiscal year ends on June 30, we encourage our reunion year alumni to make their contributions before the Reunion celebration. The Reunion Class Gift includes the following:
- All Dollars-The celebration of all contributions to the college received in the current fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) allows classmates to support the college priority of their choice.
- All Multi-Year Commitments- A five-year pledge is a popular option for alumni who know they will continue to support the college each year. Multi-year commitments allow the college to anticipate future funding and save resources on solicitations to our alumni.
- Newly Documented Planned Gifts (beginning at the 40th Reunion)- For alumni who include Davidson in their will, name the college as a beneficiary of their life insurance or retirement plan, or set up a gift annuity or charitable trust for Davidson, any good faith estimates of future support for the college that has been documented since their last reunion will be celebrated. For the 50th Reunion, all documented planned gifts will be included.
Reunion Class Goals
Each reunion committee establishes goals in honor of their milestone celebration.
Reunion Class Standings
For More Information
If you would like more general information surrounding Reunion Giving, please contact The Office of Annual Giving at thefund@davidson.edu or 704-894-2680.