Chat with a Wildcat

Kaitlyn Busch '25

Hometown: Durham, North Carolina
Majors: Educational Studies (Policy concentration) & Hispanic Studies
Campus Involvements: Bonner Scholars Program, Hispanic Studies Apprentice Teacher (AT), College Crisis Initiative (C2i) Data Collector, Teaching Spanish in Davidson K-8 School (SK8S), Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CIS) thesis track.

"As a prospective student, I was so impressed by Davidson's interconnected community. Current students were excited to connect me with their peers who were doing things on campus I might be interested in, and this made it easy to picture myself at Davidson and imagine how I might make it my own. Davidson students are involved in such vastly different corners of campus, but their relationships cross departments, organizations, and class years. You belong here, and I'd love to help you learn more about how!"

Fluent in: Spanish

Connect with Kaitlyn at

Kayleigh Davies '25

Hometown: Aberdare, South Wales
Majors: Biology & Gender and Sexuality Studies
Campus Involvements: Davidson Outdoors, Planned Parenthood Generation Action, Davidson Mindfulness, Queers & Allies / You Are Not A Stranger Here, Research with Dr. Debbie Thurtle-Schmidt in the Biology Department

"The collective buy-in. Everyone at Davidson (especially faculty and staff) is fully committed to creating and maintaining a supportive environment. I've never been alone at any events that I’ve hosted or research that I’ve presented. I've immersed myself in areas of campus that would've been so intimidating to me in high school because they're areas that my friends are so comfortable and involved in. There’s just no sense of superiority on campus, we’re here to support each other and lean into whatever atmosphere is trying to be created."

Fluent in: Welsh

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Cate DuPuy '25

Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina
Major: Biology
Minor: Genomics
Advising Track: Pre-Genetic Counseling
Campus Involvements: Writing Center Consultant,, Biology Subject Tutor (Intro Biology and Biochemistry), Microbiology and Biochemistry Research with Dr. Dave Wessner and Dr. Bryan Thurtle-Schmidt in the Biology Department, Davidson Research Network Participant (Immunology Research with Davidson alum at VUMC), Davidson in Washington, Campus Tour Guide

"Entering my college search, I knew I wanted a strong and close-knit community with the resources to get me where I wanted to go after graduation. After reaching out to a few potential students and meeting some alumni in the Charlotte area, I was met with enthusiasm and so much reverence for the Davidson community. People here are kind, supportive, and truly care about seeing you succeed (including students, faculty, and staff). In terms of resources, Davidson's career center, alumni network, and individual departments (among countless other resources) do an amazing job preparing students for internships, jobs, and graduate school. Having been here three years, I can truly say that Davidson is everything I saw and more! I have absolutely loved my time here and couldn't be more grateful to Davidson for the experiences I've had."

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Kavi Gandhi '25

Hometown: West Chester, Pennsylvania
Major: Public Health
Minor: Hispanic Studies
Campus Involvements: Co-President of South Asian Student Association, Nuances Acapella, Student Initiative for Academic Diversity, Jazz Ensemble

"While visiting Davidson as a high schooler, I ran into a biology professor who invited me to shadow his upcoming class. I was awestruck that this professor was so supportive to me as a prospective student and couldn't imagine how that would only increase as a student. I shadowed a student-led class (common at Davidson!) and was struck by how students were asking each other tough questions and demonstrated a commitment to each other's learning. I knew that was the type of academic and social environment I would thrive in."

Fluent in: Spanish

Connect with Kavi at

Simon Lau '25

Hometown: Miami, Florida
Major: Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Minor: Film and Media Studies
Campus Involvements: Posse Scholar, Davidson SK8S, House Manager for the Pan-Asian Student Association (PASA), Treasurer for the Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) , Reformed University Fellowship (RUF), Former Hall Counselor and Spanish AT

"I went to a small high school with about 100 people in my graduating class, and I wanted to find a similar small community in college. Due to the pandemic, I did not have the opportunity to visit many schools, but I heard about Davidson College through the scholarship program Posse. Although, I was nervous about attending a college in a different state and the new challenges I would go through. Davidson changed my assumptions when I got on campus and got to meet such an amazing community that genuinely cares about your well-being. I was surprised to discover how involved professors are with students on campus and how dedicated they are towards ensuring that each student succeeds. I have built meaningful relationships with this tight-knit community, and I can confidently say that the high school student who timidly accepted this opportunity is grateful for the decision that he made."

Fluent in: Spanish

Connect with Simon at

Kassidy Liggins '25

Hometown: Burlington, North Carolina
Majors: Physics & Educational Studies
Campus Involvements: Founder and President of the Pre-Engineering Society @ Davidson, Vice President of Professional Affairs for the Society of Physics Students (SPS), Team Lead for the College Crisis Initiative (C2i), Embedded Tutor for the Physics Department, and Piano Student in the Music Department.

"As a North Carolinian, I knew I wanted to stay in my home state from the start. However, with many phenomenal in-state schools and a family that bleeds Carolina blue, Davidson was certainly flying under my radar. A campus visit with the physics department quickly changed that and I immediately learned that Davidson is a community of kind, thoughtful, generous, and wonderfully curious individuals; a community that I desperately wanted to be a part of. I’ve had the chance to create a club with my classmate, travel to Austria and Switzerland with a close friend, enjoy picnics at Dr. Wolfgang Christian’s farm with fellow physicists, and much more. I have had such a stellar three years due to the Davidson community."

Connect with Kassidy at

Dagi Lulseged '25

Hometown: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Major: Genomics
Advising Track: Premedicine
Campus Involvements: Independent researcher under Dr. Debbie Thurtle-Schmidt, FIRST Action Team advisor, Minority Association for Pre-medical Students (MAPS), Hall Counselor, Davidson African Students Association (DASA), Club Soccer

"Coming from a high school with a tight-knit community, I was looking for a welcoming college environment with a vibrant campus and active student life. At Davidson, I have developed meaningful relationships with fellow international and domestic students, faculty and staff. Davidson’s science program is rigorous and strong, which prepares students well for graduate school and national examinations. The professors’ dedication to knowing and supporting their students never fails to amaze me. The grants and funding opportunities allow students to conduct cutting-edge research both on campus and at other prestigious institutions across the U.S. I have grown personally and professionally thanks to Davidson's remarkable communtiy and extensive resources."

Fluent in: Amharic

Connect with Dagi at

Italy Ramos '25

Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Majors: Biology & Chemistry
Advising Track: Premedicine
Campus Involvements: Reformed University Fellowship (RUF), Club Running, QuestBridge Scholars Network, Pre-Medicine Society, Organization for Latin American Students (OLAS), Research with Dr. Nicole L. Snyder in the Chemistry Department

"Starting the college search process, I was not entirely sure of what exactly I was looking for. Coming from a small high school I was eager to find a place where I could know others and be known by others. A place where I would be challenged to have integrity and be pushed by my peers to have honest discussions in a collaborative environment. My senior year of high school I participated in Access Davidson, a program that gives students an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the campus. It was during a student panel that I saw the excitement and energy Davidson students and faculty brought to the classroom and extended to the campus. I listened to students talk about their activities with such commitment and their classmates with tangible familiarity. I knew I wanted to be a part of the community they created and wholeheartedly embraced. During my time at Davidson, I’ve experienced the community I was searching for. I have shared Thanksgiving meals with professors and librarians, researched internationally with my peers, coached a first-year flickerball team, and mentored by my local church leaders. Now, the Town of Davidson and Davidson College has become a home away from home."

Connect with Italy at

Natalie Russell '25

Hometown: Durham, North Carolina
Major: Communication Studies
Campus Involvements: College Crisis Initiative (C2i) Team Lead, Educational Policy Committee, Honor Council Standards Chair, Orientation Team Leader, Patterson Court Council Secretary, Public Lectures Committee, Union Board Major Events Chair, Warner Hall Eating House Formal Chair

"To put it simply—the people! I was deeply suspicious of the reality of this answer when I began my college search process. However, from the first time I heard about Davidson until my final year as a student, each person with a connection to this school has gone out of their way to support me. Davidson has allowed me to learn, unlearn, succeed, and fail—all of which have helped me grow as a learner, a leader, a member of my community, and a friend. At Davidson, professors go beyond teaching; they mentor with a deep belief in each student’s potential. Alumni have guided me long after their own graduations, staff members have supported every passion project I’ve embarked on, and my peers have become collaborators, not competitors. My classes have taught me how to approach the world, and the cross-legged conversations on the floor of a dorm room have shaped who I am today. Davidson’s vast community has cheered for me in my successes and picked me up in my inevitable failures. It’s because of the people who call Davidson home that I’ve been able to try new things and grow into myself, all with the confidence that I’m surrounded by those who are unconditionally rooting for me."

Connect with Natalie at

Tim Schietroma '25

Hometown: Florham Park, New Jersey
Major: Political Science
Minor: History
Advising Track: Pre-Law
Campus Involvements: Davidson Generals, Mock Trial, Pre-Law Society, Student Conduct Council, Men's Club Soccer, Theatre

"The specific reason 'why Davidson' seems like it changes everyday. But the underlying theme is always the same—the community, the people, and the enthusiasm with which everyone approaches what they do. No one's more excited for me and my successes (and there to help when I might fail) than all the people that make up the Davidson community, and I could not be more ecstatic to see all the incredible things my friends are doing. That's Davidson in a nutshell."

Connect with Tim at